
From our Villas it is extremely easy to travel and plan daily visits to interesting cities and villages of Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio.
Chiusi – It used to be a very important Etruscan City (VIII century b.C.) and the main centre of the 12 lucumonie (city/states) that got together to face the enemies: this glorious past is perfectly represented in the beautiful Museum of Chiusi. It is also possible to visit the unique Etruscan sepulchers. Don’t miss the Cathedral of the 4th century a.C. in the center of Chiusi and the rare choral books of the 1456-1460 (Museo Diocesano), the paths underground of Porsenna’s labyrinth and the Museo Civico.
Città della Pieve – Renaissance town enjoying a great location and view over the Val di Chiana Valley: it is completely built on bricks and you can find the precious Peurgino paintings (XVI century), Raffaello ‘s master.
Orvieto – built on a tuff hill, Orvieto hosts unique treasures as the gothic cathedral with its gorgeous frescos and St.Patrick’s well.
Cetona – a small village giving name to the mountain on its top, Cetona has a small but beautiful museum of Prehistoric Age and in Belverde it is possible to visit the first caverns where Neanderthal men used to live (age of copper from 3500 to 1200 b.C.)
Perugia – City known for its Etruscan findings (the famous Etruscan Arch), middle age buildings (Palazzo Priori and Fontana Maggiore) and Renaissance (Rocca Paolina), together with the several churches and buildings of middle age and renaissance age.
Montepulciano – The city dominates the valley with its renaissance buildings and it known worldwide for its great wines.
Pienza – in the gorgeous Val d’Orcia, along the old roman road “via Cassia”, you will find Pienza, a renaissance jewel showing the genial project of Bernardo Rossellino, built under the power of Papa Pio II (Piccolomini).
Montalcino – Kown for its red wine, Brunello, Montalcino is a middle age town where you will be able to enjoy of the preserved roman style, starting from the fort in top of the hill of Montalcino.